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A Single Weed

2 Smokeleaf addicts are stoned. They have no idea how they got where they are, but they'er there. The worst part? There is but one smokeleaf joint left... and there's 2 addicts. Will they kill each other to get the finale smokeleaf? Or will one of them simply smoke it without giving the other a chance? Only time will tell. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 2 people. Player starting characters have a 60% chance to start with trait: Chemical interest Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with stoned on smokeleaf. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with smokeleaf dependence. Start with research: Drug production Start with research: Psychite refining Start with: -Smokeleaf joint -Packaged survival meal x100 -Cloth tuque x2 -Steel shiv