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The Torbjorn

People called you crazy for leaving Overwatch, but you always yearned to explore the stars - not really, Bastion the asshole dared you. Now you're at the end of your long journey in cryptosit, landing on an unknown shithole to see what it's lik- OH SHIT, IT'S THE UPRISING UPDATE. (P.S. That one possible extra trait is like it is based on the PLAYER, and nice multi-turret glitch...) Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Lazy Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Prosthophile Start with research: Gun turrets Start with research: Component assembly Start with research: Powered armor The stat "construction speed" will be universally multiplied by 300%. The stat "Accuracy (long)" will be universally multiplied by 120%. Incident created: -Ship part crash (poison) Start with: -Packaged survival meal x40 -Glitterworld medicine x40 -Component x300 -Armor vest x5 -Steel x4500 -Glitterworld medicine x25 -Steel improvised turret x4 -Power claw -Pump shotgun