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The Addict

You were once an innocent and trusting boy until one wrong move and you were kidnapped by one of the most vicious gangs around, while one of them was passed out near your cell, you managed to break the lock and get out. knowing that it would be suicide to trying to escape you looked around and found a bottle labbeled Go-Juice. Reluctantly you drank the liquid you could feel yourself become powerful you killed the passed out man with your bare hands, hearing the commotion two guards ran into the room weapons ready, you picked up his knife, once to guards entered you were shot not felling any thing you threw your knife and embedded it into his skull. You ran up to the next gguard and before he could react you broke his neck, you grabbed his Assalt rifle and sslaughtered every one in the base. once you made it back badly wounded and and hhigh you were sent to the hospital immediately, after being treated and de-toxed you were sent home, though your wounds were healed your addiction wasn't Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Psychopath Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Bloodlust Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with go-juice addiction. Player starting characters have a 100% chance to have their rest set between 70% and 70%. Start with: -Go-juice x3 -Plasteel knife -Packaged survival meal x15 Map is scattered with: -Wood x600