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This Is Too Fast

People called you crazy. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 1 people. Start with research: Gun turrets The stat "door opening speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "research speed factor" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "immunity gain speed factor" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "work speed factor" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "move speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "eating speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "immunity gain speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "global work speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "mining speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "smoothing speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "research speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "construction speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "plant work speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "medical operation speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "healing speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "sculpting speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "tailoring speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "smithing speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "drug production speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "stonecutting speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "smelting speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "cooking speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "brewing speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "butchery speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "mechanoid disassembly speed" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "harvest fail chance" will be universally multiplied by 0%. The stat "construct fail chance" will be universally multiplied by 0%. The stat "repair fail chance" will be universally multiplied by 0%. The stat "surgery success chance" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "healing quality" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "food poison chance" will be universally multiplied by 1%. The stat "butchery efficiency" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. The stat "mechanoid disassembly efficiency" will be universally multiplied by 10000%. Start with: -Silver x2000 -Gold x30 -Packaged survival meal x40 -Glitterworld medicine x40 -Component x30 -Charge rifle -Random pet x1 -Steel x450 -Wood x300