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RWWB : Star Wars - Factions

Bring balance to the force. Wait, not this brings balance to Factions, the weapons specifically. Another installment in the RWWB project, bringing the Star Wars - Factions weapons in line. Not a heck of a lot to say about this one, so I'll just get to the patch notes. EE-11 blaster rifle Damage from 6 to 10 Medium accuracy from 89 to 79 Long accuracy from 70 to 60 Range from 40 to 32 Mass from 6.86 to 4.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 EE-3 blaster carbine Long accuracy from 79 to 69 Range from 45 to 34 Mass from 6.86 to 4.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 DXR-6 blaster carbine Damage frrom 12 to 14 Cooldown from .92 to 1.01 Warmup from .83 to .92 Medium accuracy from 79 to 69 Long accuracy from 79 to 69 Range from 26 to 29 Mass from 6.86 to 4.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle Cooldown from .92 to .72 Warmup from 1.43 to 1.13 Medium accuracy from 79 to 69 Long accuracy from 79 to 69 Range from 42 to 33 Mass from 6.86 to 4.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 T-21 Blaster Rifle Range from 45 to 38 Mass from 6.86 to 4.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 DC-15 Blaster Rifle Range from 45 to 38 Mass from 6.86 to 4.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 DL-44 blaster Damage from 12 to 8 Range from 25 to 19 Mass from 6.86 to 1.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 Scout blaster Damage from 8 to 4 Range from 30 to 21 Mass from 6.86 to 1.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 SE14 Blaster Damage from 8 to 4 Range from 25 to 19 Mass from 6.86 to 1.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 DH-17 Blaster Pistol Damage from 6 to 10 Cooldown from .92 to 1.55 Warmup from 1.43 to 2.15 Range from 40 to 30 Mass from 6.86 to 1.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 Nym's Slughtrower Damage from 5 to 7 Mass from 6.86 to 3.85 Steel cost from 125 to 25 ATST Main Blaster Damage from 46 to 35 (This brings it more in line with a charge blaster mechanoid crawler) ATAT Main Blaster Damage from 46 to 40 Warmup from 1.03 to 1.3 Vibroaxe (prototype) Damage from 36 to 23 Cooldown from 2 to 2.5 Vibrosword (echani) damage from 46 to 23 Cooldown from .9 to 2.37 Vibro cleaver (mando) Damage from 46 to 23 Cooldown form 2 to 2.38 Vibro Scythe Damage from 23 to 12 Cooldown from 1.2 to 1.25 Vibro double-blade Damage from 20 to 10 Cooldown from 1 to 1.04 Vibrostaff (prototype) Damage from 86 to 43 Cooldown from 1 to 4.45 And documentation below https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18sS12brn0e_xDUs4KxYvBX1kTHmOjzvqchZyHNREWMc/edit?usp=sharing As always feedback is welcome.