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The Exploration Team

People called you all crazy for leaving your glitterworld home, but you always yearned to explore the stars - outside the neurosimulator. Now you and your crew are at the end of your long journey in cryptosleep, approaching a unknown rimworld to see what it's like, but before your landing your ship was struck by an asteroid, resulting in you having to evacuate. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 3 people. Arrive in drop pods. Non-player characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Hard worker Non-player characters have a 92% chance to start with trait: Careful shooter Non-player characters have a 100% chance to start with trait: Steadfast Non-player characters have a 25% chance to start with alcohol. Start with research: Gun turrets Start with research: Penoxycyline production Start with: -Silver x2000 -Gold x30 -Packaged survival meal x100 -Glitterworld medicine x100 -Component x30 -Charge rifle x2 -Muffalo x1 -Steel x450 -Wood x550 -Thrumbofur jacket x5 -Plasteel simple helmet x5