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Caravan Dogs+

Makes all canines able to be used as pack animals for caravans. Now with cats! Finally updated for 0.17, all code has been rewritten from scratch for increased compatibility! Additionally, the mod has expanded to include every canine in the game, including foxes, Yorkshires, and yes, all cats are now included! Carry capacity of all animals are based on their body size, which has not been altered, so the capacities of all animals are as follows: Labrador......35 kg Husky...........35 kg Yorkshire.....10.5 kg Wolves........29.8 kg Foxes.........19.3 kg Warg...........35 kg Cat..............8.93 kg Lynx...........28 kg Cougar.......49 kg Panther......49 kg Caravan Dogs+ should be fully save game compatible, and compatible with most mods.