This challenge is meant to push people to their brink on this game. It's incredibly hard and frustrating. Get used to it.
Goal: Get the AI victory. Meaning you need to traverse the world map.
Difficulty Preset: Randy Random Extreme
Map Size: Default
World Size: 100%
Starting Characters: Up to the player, but must at least have the 'wimp' trait.
Some tips: I wouldn't use a mountain base..
Your faction will be a New Tribe.
Start with 3 people.
Your people will be between 60 and 120 years old.
Arrive in drop pods.
Characters and creatures explode on death (flame, radius 3).
All characters have a 99% chance to start with trait: Wimp
All characters have a 99% chance to start with trait: Staggeringly ugly
Player starting characters have a 99% chance to start with trait: Abrasive
Player starting characters have a 100% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness.
All characters have a 92% chance to start with malnutrition.
All characters have a 99% chance to start with cryptosleep sickness.
All characters have a 99% chance to start with food poisoning.
The stat "immunity gain speed factor" will be universally multiplied by 150%.
Incident created:
-Heat wave
-Toxic fallout
-Cold snap
-Wanderer join
-Solar flare
Can never build:
Permanent game condition(s):
-Climate cycle: A multi-year climate cycle due to an elliptical orbit.
-Solar flare: A solar flare is hitting the planet. This creates extreme electrical interference and prevents most electrical devices from working.
-Eclipse: An eclipse is shadowing the surface. It will be dark, even during the daytime.
Start with:
-Silver x800
-Packaged survival meal x44
-Medicine x30
-Component x30
-Bolt-action rifle
-Plasteel knife
-Random pet x1
-Steel x550
-Wood x750
Map is scattered with:
-Ship chunk x3
-Steel x1200
-Packaged survival meal x7
-Passive cooler x7