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人民公社化运动:China 's People' s Commune Movement

人民公社讲究一曰大二曰公,集体劳动,吃大锅饭,财产公有,粮食亩产过万斤。 肥猪赛大象,就是鼻子短,全社杀一头,足够吃半年。 人民公社,是新中国社会主义社会结构的、工农商学兵相结合的基层单位,同时又是社会主义组织的基层单位。我国人民公社运动是从一九五八年夏季开始的,很短时间内,全国农村就实现了公社化。人民公社是党的整风运动、社会主义建设总路线和一九五八年社会主义建设大跃进的产物。People's commune, is the new socialist society in China, the combination of industrial and commercial workers of grass-roots units, but also the socialist organization of grass-roots units. The movement of our people's communes began in the summer of 1958, and in a very short period of time, the commune was realized in the countryside. The people's commune is the product of the Party's rectification movement, the general line of socialist construction and the great leap forward of the socialist construction in 1958. 玩家派系:新移民 开局人数:6 人物年龄范围:18至50。 玩家初始角色有100%几率获得特性:意志如钢。 开局科技:锻造 开局科技:机械加工 开局科技:医药生产 属性「耐久度上限」全局乘以640%。 属性「物理质量」全局乘以650%。 属性「可获肉量」全局乘以1500%。 属性「种植速度」全局乘以800%。 属性「植物收获产出」全局乘以2000%。 属性「动物收集产出」全局乘以650%。 属性「屠宰效率」全局乘以400%。 属性「全局工作速度」全局乘以1200%。 属性「休息效率」全局乘以520%。 属性「移动速度」全局乘以700%。 属性「医疗手术成功几率」全局乘以99%。 属性「采矿速度」全局乘以380%。 属性「可获皮革量」全局乘以340%。 属性「建造速度」全局乘以500%。 属性「携带能力」全局乘以1000%。 属性「全局学习系数」全局乘以735%。 属性「开采产出」全局乘以888%。 属性「出售价格乘数」全局乘以400%。 属性「研究速度系数」全局乘以456%。 属性「酿酒速度」全局乘以1200%。 属性「烹饪速度」全局乘以1300%。 属性「打磨速度」全局乘以600%。 属性「建造成功几率」全局乘以100%。 属性「修理成功几率」全局乘以200%。 属性「老化率」全局乘以1%。 属性「招募囚犯成功率」全局乘以690%。 属性「医疗效力」全局乘以666%。 Players factions: new immigrants Number of starts: 6 People age range: 18 to 50. The initial character of the player has a 100% probability of getting the feature: Will such as steel. Start science and technology: forging Technology: mechanical processing Start science and technology: medicine production Attributes "Durability Limit" is globally multiplied by 640%. The attribute "physical quality" is multiplied by 650% globally. Attribute "available meat" is globally multiplied by 1500%. Attribute "planting speed" is multiplied by 800% globally. Attribute "plant harvest output" is multiplied by 2000% globally. Attribute "animal collection output" is multiplied by 650% globally. Attribute "slaughter efficiency" is multiplied by 400% globally. The attribute "global operating speed" is globally multiplied by 1200%. The attribute "rest efficiency" is globally multiplied by 520%. The attribute "move speed" is globally multiplied by 700%. Attributes "Medical Surgery Success Probability" is globally multiplied by 99%. Attribute "mining speed" is multiplied by 380% globally. Attributes "available leather" is globally multiplied by 340%. The attribute "build speed" is multiplied by 500% globally. Attribute "carrying capacity" is multiplied by 1000% globally. The attribute "global learning factor" is multiplied by 735% globally. Attribute "mining output" globally multiplied by 888%. The attribute "sell price multiplier" is globally multiplied by 400%. The attribute "study speed coefficient" is globally multiplied by 456%. Attribute "brewing speed" globally multiplied by 1200%. Attribute "cooking speed" is multiplied by 1300% globally. The attribute "polish speed" is globally multiplied by 600%. Attribute "build success probability" is multiplied by 100% globally. Attribute "repair success probability" globally multiplied by 200%. The attribute "aging rate" is globally multiplied by 1%. Attribute "recruited prisoner success rate" overall multiplied by 690%. Attributes "medical efficacy" is multiplied by 666% globally. 开局资源: -白银 x1958 -干肉饼 x200 -医药 x60 -零部件 x68 -手枪 x2 -稻米 x600 -猪 x8 -钢铁 x450 -原木 x300 -布 x600 -泵动霰弹枪 x2 Start Resources:     - Silver x1958     - Dried meat pie x200     - medicine x60     - Parts x68     - pistol x2     - Rice x600     - Pigs x8     - Steel x450     - logs x300     - cloth x600 地图散落资源: -鸡蛋(已受精) x30 -钢铁 x720 Map scattered resources:     - Egg (already fertilized) x30     - steel x720 2017.7.19:删除了一些mod道具物品,目前应该可以兼容