Alarms are sounded, abandonment is unavoidable.
You and your squad are trained professionals, as such response time is immediate. Food and guns were first, then medicine. Finally Joey passed around some joints. Good ol Joey.
Drop pods were filled and ready, apon launch you see Joeys pod get taken out.
Karma is a cruel b!*&h
Your faction will be a New Arrivals.
Start with 10 people.
Your people will be between 20 and 45 years old.
Player starting characters have a 25% chance to start with smokeleaf tolerance.
The stat "Accuracy (touch)" will be universally multiplied by 150%.
The stat "Accuracy (short)" will be universally multiplied by 150%.
The stat "Accuracy (medium)" will be universally multiplied by 150%.
The stat "Accuracy (long)" will be universally multiplied by 150%.
Start with:
-Packaged survival meal x150
-Medicine x15
-Assault rifle x8
-Plasteel longsword x2
-Warg x1
-Smokeleaf joint x11