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UCS Wazzakheim

A small exploration team of geological survey specialists was deployed from the Wazzakheim shortly before it began braking maneuvers to enter orbit around BB-44567. The first of many planets it was schedule to evaluate for possible colonization. As the Geo Survey team watched in horror the Wazzakheim ramped up her engines to begin braking and the massive ship with 140 crew and thousands of sleeping colonists erupted in a bright flash and began to tumble, scattering debris. The harsh unexpected acceleration of the engine failure tore through the Wazz cracking bulkheads and hammering the poor souls aboard her. Through the glare of flashing emergency lights and wailing claxon the shattered crew begins to stir. The ships AI determines the captain and command crew are dead and begins emergency evacuation procedures. The ship's robotic crew springs into action and begins loading and repairing pod launcher systems. Your faction will be a New Arrivals. Start with 4 people. Your people will be between 20 and 50 years old. Arrive in drop pods. Start with research: Pemmican Start with research: Passive cooler Start with research: Devilstrand Start with research: Brewing Start with research: Carpet making Start with research: Drug production Start with research: Refining Start with research: Hydroponics Start with research: Electric smelting Start with research: Electric cremation Start with research: Colored lights Start with research: Microelectronics basics Start with research: Tube television Start with research: Gun turrets Start with research: Firefoam Start with research: Moisture pump Start with research: Laser Steam Geyser Drill Start with research: Tillage Start with research: Terrain reclamation Start with research: Terraforming Start with research: Basic fuses Start with research: Circuit breakers Start with research: Agriculture I Start with research: Machining Incident created: -Ship chunk drop -Resource pod crash -Refugee pod crash Start with: -Battery x2 -Charge rifle x4 -Deep drill -Hyperweave Deployable Tent x4 -Hyperweave Deployable Tent (Big) x2 -Steel equipment rack x2 -ER(T3) Base Station -HID LED light x8 -Plasteel hi-tech research bench -Plasteel large strongbox x2 -LED light x8 -Plasteel Machete x2 -Medicine x32 -Plasteel medicine cabinet -Plasteel military grade turret x2 -Advanced geothermal generator -Multi-analyzer -Outdoor light x8 -Packaged survival meal x80 -Portable generator -Portable Stove -Refrigerator x2 -Plasteel Skip x2 -Hyperweave Sleeping Bag x6 -Small cooler x3 -Small heater x3 -Plasteel stool x4 -Plasteel table (short) -Telescope x2 -Tool cabinet x2 -Hyperweave USCM bodysuit x8 -Hyperweave USCM standard pants x8 -Hyperweave USCM M3 Armor x4 -Vitals monitor -Plasteel Clothing Rack x2 -Plasteel Crowbar -Plasteel Pickaxe -UA 571-C Automated Sentry Gun (minified) x2 -Chemfuel x1500 -Steel x1500 -Component x250 -Comms console -Orbital trade beacon x2 -Large LED growing light x4 -Flatscreen television -Silver x1000